...throughout the blogosphere tonight, ranking just after the Muslim riots in Europe, is this one.
A clearly disturbed and recently discharged US Marine NCO named Jimmy Massey (12 years in the Corps, reached E-6, if you can believe that) has been making his best effort to discredit the US effort in Iraq with lies, lies and more lies.
Massey has written a book published in France (no surprise) about his alleged experiences, been quoted with no check on his bona-fides in national and international news media, and has been travelling with "Peace Mother" Cindy Sheehan, speaking at her rapidly dwindling gatherings.
He's been debunked by St. Louis Post-Dispatch writer Ron Harris who had the opportunity to be embedded along with Massey and who saw the same things Massey said he saw...except that apparently they saw things differently. Harris' outrage at Massey's lies is easily visible in his words.
This is so familiar to me, as a Vietnam vet. John Kerry's Winter Soldier statements bring back the old lies from my era, and this all sucks as much as it did thirty-plus years ago.