A few years ago, back in the Windows 95/98 days, I was searching online to find out whatever happened to Drew Kaplan and his DAK outfit and found this page.
The idea intrigued me but at the time I had only CRT monitors in the office and I didn't want to work at a desk with two of those huge video boxes...not to mention the stress it placed on the table! So I filed the page for later reference. Besides, every laptop I've ever owned has had this capability built in...
Then, a year or so later, I made a great deal on three NEC 15" flat-screen LCD monitors (the guy told me they fell off a truck...hey, it could have happened).
One went immediately online at my desk, one to Carroll's, and the third stayed in a box, held in reserve. It occasionally went into Carroll's office when a monitor there went on the blink, but it was mostly unused.
This evening that third monitor finally went into service on my desk, thanks to Roger the Wizard (this guy is one of the greats...get in touch with me for contact info). He also upgraded my USB ports as a little bonus. USB2.0 absolutely smokes the previous version...all of my work is saved to a USB external hard drive and the save-time is now unbelievably quick.
I've spent the last few hours wondering why I waited to do this. Being able to open two aps full-screen and move elements back and forth is just a little bit like magic. I can open CNN on the Left Screen and FNC on the Right and actually feel the political tension, and it's even arranged appropriately!
I can even s-t-r-e-t-c-h an application across both screens to see a wider view...great for editing audio (but you probably knew that).
Yeah, I know...I'm still a few years behind the curve. But with monitor and video card prices as cheap as they are this is a treat you owe yourself. I traded the labor and the new video card for some phone system components, and the new USB driver cost $20. Life is good.
Two screens...no waiting. Now when can we get all the peripherals set up on wireless?
P.S. This also included the thorough cleaning of my work area, vacuuming, wiping with paper towels and appropriate cleaning fluids, "blowing out" of the computer box and filing of CD's, DVD's and paperwork. This made Mrs. Anderson happy. And if Mama ain't happy, NOBODY gonna be happy.